
Obesity: Why do people become overweight? See Four Reasons

Over time, if you eat and drink more calories than your body uses or “burns off,”(Mostly through Sweat) your body may store these calories resulting in the storage of extra energy, and this makes the person involve add weight or gain more weight. There are other factors that can result to gaining more weight and some of these factors may amuse you but its the reality. some of these factors are listed below

The World You Live In(People Around You)

The Communities people live in, the homes people are from, and their workplaces can all affect people’s health decisions. Eating Foods that is high in fat, added sugar, and calories are everywhere and very easy to find. They also often cost less(cheaper or less expensive) than healthier choices like fruits and the vegetables. Many people also lack access to safe places where they can be active physically, like going to the gym,taking early morning walk or engaging in any form of exercise. On top of that, many tools and devices, like remote controls and drive-in banks, make it easy to be inactive.



Overweight and obesity tend to run in some families. Research has shown that genes can play important role in obesity(Overweight). Families also share eating habits that can affect how, when, and what we eat


Some medicines leads to weight gain, drugs such as steroids (drugs used to reduce swelling) and some drugs use for depression and other psychiatric disorders, may lead to weight gain. it is advisable that you Ask your health care provider or pharmacist about the any side effects of any medicines you are taking


Many people have the habit of eating whenever they are bored, sad, angry, or stressed, even when they are not hungry. Now imagine how often you tend to get angry, bored, sad or stressed and see how often you eat.
Although you may not be able to control all the factors that lead to overweight, making small changes to your eating and physical activity(burning fats e.g Engaging in exercise like a simple early morning walk) habits may improve your health.

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  1. Damn where do you guys get the pix from.... lol this one got me laffing not obese though

  2. The pix a row funny though... But this post makes sense... Somethings that we overlook can actually contribute to been obesed... Hmmmmmmm

  3. Hahaaha... This is funny n Educational

  4. don't laugh and forget the post its a nice post

  5. The four reasons are kind of unbelievable but i think its true because these factors that we ignore and focusing more on food as the source of obesity while the hidden factors are just there staring at us. i agree with this post
