Food-Tips: Nigeria a Country Blessed with Soups- The Nigerian Soups Competition Part 2

So far from the previous article, we have listed five different soups that are from the southern part of Nigeria, the Urhobo tribe of Delta State to be precise. This post is going to continue with the list as there are still other soups that we are yet to mention. In addition to the four soups mentioned in the other post, we are going to mention about five, if you have not read the post about the previous soups please read the article Food-Tips: Tribal Soup Part 2- Nigerian tribes with Various types of Nutritious Soups

List of Soups from South-South Nigeria (Delta State)

The Obiokpo Soup (Okro Soup): Obiokpo soup is the type of soup that its main ingredient is Okro and pepper. This soup is mainly cooked by the Urhobo tribe in Delta State, unlike the Owo soup that is a ceremonial soup, the Obiokpo soup is not a ceremonial soup but it’s enjoyed mostly as a supplementary soup for the local people. And this soup is best enjoyed with Amala (Yam Flour) or Eba (Cassava Food).

The Garden Egg Soup: This soup is cooked with both fresh pepper and tomatoes with oil and potash as a very important ingredient. The Garden egg soup is best enjoyed with Yam, Plantain or Potato and the Garden egg is the main ingredient of this soup. According to the locals, this soup has been modernized that they refer to the second version of the food as the English version. But the soup in this post is the locally made one and though it is not that popular but it is well enjoyed by the Urhobo tribe especially during the cold weather.

The Vegetable Okro Soup: According to the locals, the vegetable okro soup is packed with lots of ingredient, like the shrimps, stock fishes, periwinkles, snares and many more. There are two main ingredients in this soup, the Vegetable and the Okro while any other ingredients are secondary. Just like the Garden egg soup, the Vegetable okro soup is not a ceremonial soup like the Urhobo Banga and Owo Soup. But like those ceremonial soups, the Vegetable okro soup is enjoyed with Amala (Yam Flour) or Eba (Cassava Food).

The Okro and Stew Soup: As the name implies, this soup is cooked in two phase, first the okro then the stew. This soup is very easy to cook and does not require many ingredients to prepare this soup; if you can prepare a very good stew with all the necessary ingredients then cooking the okro won’t be a problem. I think this is the quickest food that can be prepared by the Urhobo tribe as it takes less time to prepare.

So far, we have written posts about nine soups from the Urhobo tribe in Delta state. The obvious truth is that, the Igbo tribe is blessed with different types of soups, but a close look at the other tribes like the Urhobo tribe will show that the Igbo tribe are not the only ones blessed with soups. Nigeria is known for exporting crude oils, but if soups are goods that can be exported to other countries, Nigeria will sure have lots of goods to export to other countries.

Post Comment


  1. The garden egg is not really a soup,it's more like a sauce or stew just wonder why you guys are referring to it as soup here anyway its still a nice post

  2. Ooohh that is noted thanks for the info
